«Location »
Decsign Company, Inc. is located 15 miles north of Pittsburgh and 1.1 miles off the Interstate I-79 and Wexford Exits on Rt 910. See map below.
From Pittsburgh and points South:
Travel I-279 North (7 Miles) to I-79 North (3 miles) and take the Wexford Exit (Exit 73). Turn Left off the ramp onto Rt 910 West. Travel 1.1 miles to #2557 on the right. Brown building with a split rail fence.
From Youngstown and points West:
Travel the Ohio Turnpike (I-76) East. Exit I-79 South. Travel 3 miles and take the Wexford Exit. Take a right off the ramp onto Rt 910 West. Travel 1 mile to 2557 on the right. Brown building with a split rail fence.
From Harrisburg and points East:
Travel the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76) West towards Pittsburgh. Exit I-79 South. Travel 3 miles and take the Wexford Exit. Take a right off the ramp onto Rt 910 West. Travel 1 mile to 2557 on the right. Brown building with a split rail fence.
From Erie and Points North:
Travel I-79 South towards Pittsburgh, Pa. Take the Wexford Exit. Take a right off the ramp onto Rt 910 West. Travel 1 mile to 2557 on the right. Brown building with a split rail fence.
MAP - Red Star in center